How to create a directory and index.html on seidata for your Homepage

Telnet to and logon as normal

Type the following commands in order

mkdir public_html

	What you have done is;
	using the mkdir command you created a
	new directory called public_html.

chmod u=rwx,g=x,o=x public_html

	Then using the chmod command you changed the
	access permissions for this new directory.

cd public_html

	The change directroy command (cd) moved you
	into the new directory.

touch index.html

	By touching index.html you created a new empty file.

chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r index.html

	The chmod command again assigned new permissions
	for access to index.html, which is your empty homepage.

ls -l

	the list command (el es space minus el) now shows 
	your index.html on the screen in the public_html 
	directory with access permissions correct.

Your homepage address is:

Don't forget to include the tilde (~) in front of
your userid. This is neccessary.

Also in your public_html there is an underline
character between the words. 

These are musts.