Herrill's Gateway

     Hi! This page is the gateway to my collection of serials, short stories, novels, and other works. Many people have asked to read my stories, so I created this gateway as a link to them. On this page, I have a link to them based on genre for long works, or type for shorter.
  1. Serials
  2. Poetry


I would like to thank the following individuals:
Theresa, Michelle, Julie, Tricia, Linda, Nykole, Renee, Ron and Dan .

And now, if you are tired of reading, here are some other sites.

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by Lpage

Some of you may be interested in how my voice sounds. So here is an introduction.

Some of you are familiar with my entrance line. Click on it and you'll hear the original source. It might surprise you, if you know what it is!
"Everyone can relax..........................Herrill has returned!"