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Local Bulletin Board
December 8
Milan Park Board to hold special meeting
An emergency meeting for the Milan Town Board is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m. The Board monthly meetings are now scheduled for the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Milan Town Hall. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 15.
Deadline Dec. 19
Letters to Santa Contest

Santa is getting his Christmas list together, but some of you children haven’t told him what you want; so, write him a letter! Santa will answer each child with a personal letter, and you have a chance to
win a gift from Santa, too!
The top two letters will be awarded gifts! All letters received by December 19 will also be printed in our Annual Christmas Greeting Section on December 22. Be sure to include your name, address, age, and phone number, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and you will receive a reply. All letters become the property of Ripley Publishing Company. Pick up a specially addressed envelope at one of the local businesses. Pick up a copy of The Versailles Republican dated Thursday, Dec. 1 for a complete list of businesses.
Polar Plunge seeks sponsors
Special Olympics Indiana’s largest signature fundraising event, the Polar Plunge, has raised more than $3 million dollars since its inception in 2000.
The 18 Polar Plunges around the state feature 2,900 plungers braving the icy cold waters in Indiana, as they fundraiser to support athletes with intellectual disabilities. Over 5,000 spectators and volunteers watch as both individuals and teams in costumes jump in freezing water to participate in this incredible team-building, bucket-list challenge. Sponsorship opportunities for the Polar Plunge are available for companies that want to partner with Special Olympics Indiana. Contact Greg Townsend at 812-584-6861 or by email at
gtownsend@soindiana-rod.org, or visit
http://soindiana-rod.org/polarplunge-sponsors to download a sponsorship form.
Jan. 7: First responder breakfast with legislator
Police, Fire, and EMS members please join State Representative Randy Frye for a breakfast to discuss public safety issues for the upcoming legislative session. The breakfast, sponsored by the Aurora Volunteer Fire Department, will be on Saturday, Jan. 7 beginning at 8 a.m.
Survey response needed for fire dept.
The Napoleon Volunteer Fire Department will be conducting a simple income survey across their service area in the next few weeks. This is a key element in a grant application process with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The project will seek to obtain federal funding for the construction of a new fire station for Napoleon’s community. A random sampling of addresses across the area will be surveyed to determine eligibility for the funding assistance. People living in the Napoleon Fire Department’s area may receive a phone call or knock on their door regarding information needed. The survey is very quick and a simple process that should only take a minute or two according to officials from the department. It could make a world of difference for a much needed fire station. You are encouraged to participate in the survey and work with the department as they move forward to provide the best care possible for those they serve.
‘Seasons of Versailles State Park’
Artist reception at Versailles State Park
The final Bicentennial Arts in the Parks project in Ripley County will be celebrated this Saturday, Dec. 10, with an art reception at the Recreation Hall in the Versailles State Park Group Camp from 2 – 5 p.m. Artist Debi Black, who has been working on the project “Seasons of Versailles State Park” throughout the year, will have the final paintings on display, and postcards of the paintings will be available for purchase.
Pictured is a painting by Debi Black. She will have paintings on display, as well as postcards for sale at the artist reception this weekend at Versailles State Park.
Black received one of two grants for the county from the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) in their celebration of the Indiana Bicentennial and Indiana State Parks Centennial. Black, of Milan, received grant money for a project, Seasons of Versailles State Park, which will showcase the beauty of the park in all four seasons.
The Ripley County Tourism Bureau was also granted funds for Art in Nature, a week of art classes, at the park, held last April. These were two of 76 projects awarded across Indiana for the Art in the Parks projects.
Black’s “Seasons of Versailles State Park” project lasted throughout the year, as she sketched a park scene on canvas each season and had visitors to the park paint on the canvas creating a community painting. She also created her own seasonal paintings of the park, and some of paintings have been copied and made into postcards for the park to sell. All of the paintings will be given to the Versailles State Park.