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Send us your Easter happenings!

Be sure to send in information on your Easter events. We need those in our office by April 3 to include them in The Versailles Republican on April 6 and again in the Osgood Journal on April 11.
It’s free!
There is no charge for this. Send to wburnett@ripleynews.com or drop off at our office on Washington Street (next to the post office) in Versailles. You can also mail them to Ripley Publishing Co., P.O. Box 158, Versailles, IN 47042.
South Ripley Raiders win over Milan Indians to become 2017 Sectional #45 Champs!
Click here to read the details.
Newspaper welcomes Jared Rogers to the team
Wanda English Burnett

Jared D. Rogers, left, of Versailles, will be bringing his writing talent to the readers of the Osgood Journal and The Versailles Republican. He will be writing feature stories, and a variety of interesting and informative articles. Although Rogers has lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for a time, he is a native of Ripley County, and graduated from South Ripley High School in 2008. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Ball State University.
Rogers says, “It’s good to be home,” and is looking forward to living in Ripley County and writing for the newspapers. “I sense beauty in southeastern Indiana that I never anticipated in youth; and I see the wholesome potential that exists in nurturing local communities; the potential to create an energetic, equal, and friendly society in which we all may flourish. I think this potential is made possible through relationships, and I hope my writings for Ripley Publishing newspapers play a part in fostering those relationships.”
Rogers follows the footsteps of his late grandfather, W. Gus Moorhead, who wrote the Ol Coach column for several years for the paper. His grandmother, Mary Margaret Moorhead Clegg, also wrote for a number of years. She is remembered for writing the Meet Your Neighbor segments that ran for many years.
Hoosier Watch
May the choice be with you
Jerilyn Lowery

A friend and I were having a conversation the other day about how easy it used to be to make a choice. When did choosing get so difficult? Whenever I head out to the grocery store, I feel like I need to pack a lunch to keep up my stamina and instruct the family to send out a search party if I fail to return in under 24 hours.
We all know a full day to accomplish grocery shopping, or any kind of shopping for that matter, is a bit of an exaggeration, but it sure feels as if it takes that long. Even if I am able to walk straight to an item and lay my hands on it, there are a myriad of possible impediments in my way. For example, I can only lay my hands on said item if a) the item’s location has not varied and b) the item’s packaging has not changed twice in the last 30 days. Savvy shoppers, as well as reluctant ones, know both of these alphabet scenarios are common occurrences in grocery aisles everywhere.
The packaging changes in products drive me absolutely crazy. I am not too sure how long we have been consuming almond milk at our house, but in the two or so years since that advent, its packaging has changed at least three times in the three different brands we use. The words unsweetened and vanilla always seem to be hiding, and this just one example of many. I know you have your own illustrations as well. Once I adapt to new packaging and can readily spot my desired product halfway down the aisle, the powers in charge change the label again making my shopping more time-consuming.
Reasons for label changes, according to industry experts, include wanting to highlight product innovations, or to make health claims. Thankfully, I learned that I am not crazy (I always like to have this fact validated on a regular basis) when I also found most products refresh their labels, in some way, almost yearly. If most products refresh their labels this often, I must congratulate those that never seem to redesign theirs since I can still find most of their products on the shelves. Most notable among them are Quaker Oatmeal, Raisin Bran (if you don’t worry about varieties such as Raisin Bran Crunch, or Raisin Bran with Cranberries which I am still mad they discontinued, but that is another matter entirely), Blue Bonnet, or Jif Peanut Butter. Obviously, these products change their labeling, but have the good sense to stick with the same colors, graphics, and type fonts that most of us have come to recognize over the years.
Of course, according to the popular health fad/buzzword of the day a product desires to tout at the moment therein lays impetus for a label change! Never mind that Quaker Oatmeal has always been a good source of fiber. It is also whole grain. Obviously. Now, the difference is they must tell us so. The same goes for Jif Peanut Butter. It, as well as all peanut butters, contains protein. Get it here, in your peanut butter, people. Raisin Bran, you know it . . . whole grain and high in fiber . . . just like always. Packaging sells; that’s the bottom line. But in the words of Billy Joel, “Don’t go changing just to please me . . . I’ll take you just the way you are.”
Jerilyn Wilson Lowery graduated from South Ripley High School in 1980 and Indiana University in 1984.
We love to hear from you! Share your news with the community!
• Send us your school news!
Send your articles and photos to
mariasiev@ripleynews.com or
wburnett@ripleynews.com for publication on the School News page of The Versailles Republican. Include with your submission a description of the event and names of persons in the photo(s). Please submit all photos as original, print-quality images. Send articles and photos as email attachments or submit via Google Docs and Google Drive.
• Got a news tip or photo?
Submit past images or news tips along with a description to Wanda Burnett at
publication@ripleynews.com or to PO Box 158, Versailles, IN 47042. Call Ripley Publishing at 812-689-6364 for more information.
Local Bulletin Board
Deadline is March 17
Margaret Mary Health accepting scholarship applications
Margaret Mary Health is now accepting applications for its scholarship program. To qualify, applicants must be pursuing degrees in the health care field, be a full-time student and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Recipients receive an initial award of $3,000 and $1,000 each year up to three years. Applications are available at the hospital, area high schools or online at
www.mmhealth.org. Completed applications must be returned to human resources by March 17, 2017. For more information call 812-933-5259.
Reservations due March 18
Art in Nature II to offer free art classes
Are you a budding artist but never got to try your hand at watercolor painting, wood turning, or recycled art? Art in Nature is the perfect opportunity to feel free to attempt artistic aspirations guided by talented local artists ready with the tools you need. Scheduled for Monday through Saturday, April 3 – 8, at the Recreation Hall in Versailles State Park (VSP), classes will be held nightly from 6 – 8 p.m., plus a jewelry making class Saturday from 1 – 3 p.m., and an art show of all the created art Saturday evening from 6 – 8 p.m. For a complete schedule and how to register pick up a copy of the Osgood Journal dated January 31, 2017. Newspapers can be purchased at the Ripley Publishing Company located at 115 S. Washington St., Versailles.
Deadline is March 31
Sheriff offers scholarship for local students
Ripley County Sheriff Jeff Cumberworth is accepting scholarship applications. The “Mums for Education” program has raised enough money for three $1,000 scholarships to be given to students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice. For more information and how to apply pick up a copy of the Osgood Journal dated February 28, 2017. Newspapers can be purchased at the Ripley Publishing Company located at 115 S. Washington St., Versailles.
Deadline is May 5
New Point Vol. Fire Dept. / Miller Family Scholarship offered
The New Point Volunteer Fire Dept. / Carl H and Goldia Miller Family Scholarship Program will award four $500 scholarships to 2017 graduating seniors. These scholarships are awarded based on community service completed by the student during high school. Graduates from Batesville, Jac-Cen-Del, Greensburg, North Decatur, and South Decatur High Schools who have applied, been accepted and plan to begin their studies in 2017 may apply. For more information and details on how to apply pick up a copy of the Osgood Journal dated February 28, 2017. Newspapers can be purchased at the Ripley Publishing Company located at 115 S. Washington St., Versailles.