Walking trail planned at Osgood lake area

Beth Rumsey
Staff Writer

Phyllis Boyd, the architect representing the Two Lakes Trail Project, reported on the proposed walking/biking trail at the regular session of the Osgood Town Board on Tuesday, May 19. According to Boyd, the 8 to 10 foot asphalt trails will be paid by applying for a recreational grant through the DNR in the amount of $150,000 with the town to match funds of 20%.

The application is yet to be completed, according to Boyd, as letters of support are still needed. The town will be responsible for the upkeep when the project is completed. A signature sheet in support of the project was passed around at the meeting.

Bill Gloyd of the Osgood Civic Club requested permission to plant dogwood trees around town. According to Gloyd, the beauty of the dogwoods in bloom during a recent trip through Orleans inspired him to plant trees in Osgood.

According to Gloyd, the civic club plans to apply for grants to purchase some trees. The board unanimously approved his request. “I think this is a really good idea,” said Board President Linda Krinop.

Krinop also updated those attending the meeting of House Enrollment Act 1483 regarding the use of golf carts on town streets. According to Krinop, the towns will be able to write ordinances allowing the use of golf carts, following certain guidelines, which will take effect on July 1. The town attorney will revise the current ordinance to be approved at the next meeting.

Dawn Dickman, F.A.R.M. Club, presented the proposed route for a parade to be held during the antique farm machinery show held the last weekend in June at the Ripley County Fairgrounds in Osgood. The proposed route will leave the front entrance to Sycamore Street and around to Cherry Street to finish.

Participants of the parade will drive their vintage garden tractors over the one mile. Dickman noted that a variety of events will be held as well as the antique tractor show. The board unanimously approved the route for the parade.

Marshal Koger, who lives on Wilson Street, requested the town consider a stop sign at Shook and Wilson streets. According to Koger, several children live on Wilson Street, which is a high traffic area.

Koger also noted that there were several times where the cars came close to hitting the children. Steve Wilhoit, street department director, will look into the situation.

A drainage issue was presented to the board by Steve Huntington, Morris Street. According to Huntington, because the water standing in his yard takes so long to drain, it makes mowing difficult as well as presenting health issues due to the stagnant water.

The board told Huntington that the town did not build the subdivision and therefore has no right of way access to the properties. He was reminded to work with his neighbors as he works to resolve the situation.

Huntington also brought up an issue regarding the mauling and death of his cat from an unrestrained dog. Marshal Hegge confirmed that the dog has been quarantined and that the owners have been fined.

All board members were in attendance, along with town attorney Mary Ann Gay to advise. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Osgood Community Center.