JCD ISTEP scores compare with other area schools

Beth Rumsey, Staff Writer

Jac-Cen-Del Principal Johnny Budd presented the Spring 2009 ISTEP scores to the JCD School Board at their regular meeting on Wednesday, September 16. According to Budd, the school’s results were close to the state’s average as well as compared favorably with the area schools.

Response to Intervention (RTI) will be used to identify where a student will need additional help in a subject. According to Budd, an acuity test will be administered, and if a student falls below the benchmark, the student will receive an additional 30 minutes of individual assistance. Currently, this is only for the junior high students.

Budd noted that every 7th grader is receiving an additional nine weeks of math as part of the rotation and students who are having problems in English taking an addition course rather than a foreign language. Vocabulary will be the focus this year in order to help prepare the students for the PSAT and the SAT.

Superintendent Bill Narwold updated the board on the qualified construction loan application for the building project. He said the application was rejected, but the school can reapply in 2010.

Ripley-Ohio-Dearborn (ROD) Special Education Cooperative received approximately $1 million in federal stimulus money. According to Narwold, ROD has administered $58,000 to JCD, with teachers receiving materials and equipment as well as new teachers being hired. He noted that this source of funding will only be available for two years.

In personnel, the board unanimously approved the recommendation to accept the resignation of Travis Rohrig as summer recreation director. The temporary contract for Tammy Halcomb as teacher at the elementary school was approved. The recommendation to hire Nancy Reichers for homebound instruction was approved.

The following extra-curricular assignments were approved: Matt Slaven, student council and yearbook; April Hughes, National Junior Honor Society chairperson; Paul Thole, Gene Westerman, and David Espinda as the Supermileage Team; and Jo Jones as academic team coach.

The transfer of Amy Burton from part time to full time preschool aid was approved. The rehire of Maxine Ward as part time preschool aid was approved. Sarah Kelts was approved as a full time preschool aid beginning September 21. Suzanne Wagner was approved as a preschool special education instructional aide for special needs students beginning September 29.

The following NEOLA policies were approved: the revised policy for board member ethics; the revised policy for programs for high ability students; the revised graduation requirements policy; and the electronic data processing disaster recovery plan.

Field trip requests approved were the sixth grade trip to Chicago in the spring and the JCD band trip to Cedar Point on October 30-November 1.

All board members were in attendance along with corporation attorney Tim Day to advise. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 14 beginning at 6 p.m. in the elementary school library. The meeting is held one week earlier than usual in order to approve the budget before the deadline.