SR School Board January mtg. changed

Contributing Writer

At the December meeting of the South Ripley School Board it was unanimously approved to change the date of the January meeting from 18 to 11. This was done to keep in compliance with Indiana law requiring board reorganization by January 15.

Superintendent Ted Ahaus reminded board members to turn in what offices or committees they want to serve on for 2010. He shared an email with the group from IASBO regarding Governor Daniel’s order for funding cuts beginning in January 2010. He noted this would affect the 2010 budget. Ahaus said while rumors may surface regarding what cuts and reductions will be made, all options will be reviewed.

Announcements of all staff reductions will be made as soon as decisions are made.

Under financial concerns, the following items were approved unanimously:

• Business Manager Lana Miller will continue paying 2009 bills from 2009 money through the end of 2009. Approval was given to encumber money, if necessary, for bills created in 2009 and payable in 2009. A list will be created of any necessary transfer of money from one major account to another and explanations given of all transactions so that the board can approve those actions in the January meeting.

• Change the LTD carrier from Lincoln Financial to Madison National Life, effective January 1, 2010. The SE School Insurance Consortium recently bid this and received a 4% reduction in premiums and better benefits.

• According to Lana Miller, no building project payments were paid in December. Escrow holdings of $284,782.25 were released to Bruns-Gutzwiller.

Under personnel:

• Unanimous approval of a family medical leave was granted for Janna Stonebraker, retroactive from December 11 and continuing on an intermittent basis, as needed, for the care of her husband.

• Unanimous approval was given for the employment of Barbara Wood to fill the two-hour cafeteria position at the Jr./Sr. High School.

• Thom Conover got unanimous approval to be the girls basketball coach, retroactive to the start of the 2009 season.

• Sarina Daugherty was unanimously approved to be hired as an aide to fill Jessica McConnell’s six-week change of assignment, effective December 31 through the end of the leave which McConnell is filling at South Ripley Elementary.

Superintendent Ahaus shared a letter from Secretary of State Todd Rokita regarding the complaint filed against the ISTA.

Board members in attendance at the December 21 meeting were Robert Garcia, Gil Landwehr, Keith Mathews, Randy McIntosh, Ralph Miller and Tim Taylor. Also in attendance were Superintendent Ted Ahaus and Business Manager Lana Miller.

The next school board meeting will be a regular meeting on Monday, January 11, 2010.