approves 2011 sewer budget
Karen Reynolds
Contributing Writer
At the regular
December meeting of the Holton Town Council the 2011 sewer budget
was approved.
Theresa Brading from the North Vernon USDA Rural Development office
assisted the town clerk treasurer Gretchen Moore in filling out
the new 2011 sewer budget. The budget is for $107,103.00 in revenue
and $82,558.00 in expenses. Members voted unanimously to pass the
sewer budget as presented.
It was noted that Moore will contact Ice Miller, LLP, bond council
for the town, regarding a possible change in ordinance to waive
the minimum rate charge for sewage for unoccupied homes. Also, discussion
was held as whether or not sewer rates should be increased.
It was noted the USDA determined that the town is making enough
money to make its payment and they are content with what is presently
being charged. It was decided that the town clerk would make a list
of the possible life expectancy of current equipment. If a large
amount of repairs are expected in the near future, the town may
have to consider rate increases to cover the expenses.
Sewer lien payments in the amount of $4402.57 were received. It
was reported that six accounts were credited, with four liens paid
in full and lien releases filed. New liens were filed on three accounts
from the previous months delinquent list since the town has
had no payment or contact from the owners. The total amount of liens
now on file are $13,270.00. Outstanding bills are up to $25,476.00
and total sewer debt is now $38,746.00.
Eddie Pratt with Card Payment Solutions presented the council with
information regarding a credit card machine for the town. Fee amounts
and contract information was given with council deciding to table
the matter until further research was done.
Council President Paul Hughes noted the town needs to get gravel
for in front of the new maintenance building. He estimated it would
take between 50-75 tons. The council unanimously agreed to do this
saying they would check around for the best prices.
It was reported that Brooks & Earl Contracting has determined
the towns main lift station is in need of major repairs or
perhaps even a complete upgrade. They estimate the cost to be between
$60,000 and $70,000 for the upgrade. Estimates are still being compiled
for repairs only. The council discussed options for funding this
endeavor. Temporarily, Brooks & Earl will fix the problem with
a bypass pump.
The installation of the new digester at the lagoon was completed
by Brooks & Earl. The cost was $17,000. Unanimous approval was
given to transfer the money from the sewer grant savings to the
sewer checking account to pay the invoice.
Approval was given to renew the Certificate of Deposit purchased
with Riverboat Funds in the amount of $25,000.
Unanimous approval was given for the purchase of a new shredder.
Under information items:
The sewer discharge permit for the town of Holton will expire
in 2011, but the application for renewal will be completed soon.
The Holton Christian Church sent a thank you note to the
town for the use of the community building for their annual holiday
The annual inspection of the fire extinguishers by Crossman
Fire was scheduled.
Town resident Ron Palmer noted that the new maintenance building
needs a gutter on the front of the building. He also expressed concerns
that too much gravel would cause the water to back up into the building.
He was assured by President Hughes that the gravel would be applied
properly to keep that from happening.
Tony Franklin, fire chief, noted that the old maintenance
building is still in the fire departments name at the courthouse.
Hughes said he would check with the town attorney on the matter.
Those attending the meeting were Paul Hughes, Angi Farrell, Ryan
Lauber, Gretchen Moore, and Cathie Stratton. The next regularly
scheduled monthly meeting is set for January 13. |
