is a problem in Holton Park
Karen Reynolds
Contributing Writer
The problem of ongoing vandalism at the Holton Town Park was brought
to the attention of the board at their regular meeting on June
It was noted that recently the womens restroom was vandalized
going so far as to take the sink off the wall. Due to this, the
board reiterates its decision to keep the public restrooms locked
at the park unless someone calls to use the facility for a specific
purpose, such as a family reunion.
Long-time resident and caretaker at the park, Wilbur Myers, reported
that the pop machine in the park shelter house had been damaged
again. Gretchen Moore, town clerk, reported she had called the
company to see about repairs to the machine.
Marshal Bob Curl gave a report that he had checked with Security
Two Systems, a company that installs security cameras, about re-installing
and hooking up a total of eight cameras at the park. Security
Two Systems quoted a price of $4107.00. The board decided to table
the decision to buy the camera system until next month to research
it further.
On other security related issues, the board had been discussing
putting in speed bumps near the park. Town resident Phil Leach
requested the town install speed bumps on Washington Street near
his home. The board tabled this issue in order to find out more
about it. Approximate prices for speed bumps are: $288.00 for
a 12-foot bump and $138.00 for a 6-foot bump.
Town resident Dale Rouse questioned if there is a town ordinance
that details a curfew. Since there is not such an ordinance, Rouse
suggested the board adopt one. Several at the meeting were of
the opinion that a curfew would place undue expense on the town.
The issue was tabled.
Another town resident, Gabe Cruser, asked if handicapped signs
could be posted on South Marion Street. He also made it clear
that he has a complaint against the owner of the property next
door to his residence. He said there were a lot of high weeds
and bad smells coming from the property. Paul Hughes, board president,
agreed to talk to the land owner about cleaning up the property
and check on the handicap signs.
The board voted unanimously to re-bid those items they wish to
sell that didnt sell at the May meeting. Those items include
a tractor/lawn mower, a like-new LP gas furnace, and a dog kennel
for the back of a SUV. Bids will be taken until the July meeting,
at which time items will go to the highest bidder. The town board
reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
Ordinance 2011-8 was presented as a first reading concerning charging
a $3.00 convenience fee on each credit card transaction. The sewer
office now accepts Discover, MasterCard and Visa. A final reading
of the ordinance will be given at the July meeting.
Gretchen Moore, clerk, asked the board to consider a funds transfer
to the Payroll #806 Fund. This transfer would be taken from the
Edit Buildings Fund and the Edit Roads & Ditches Fund. The
board decided unanimously to allow Moore to make the transfer,
taking $3,000 from the Edit Buildings Fund, leaving a total of
$60 in that Fund, and taking $1800 from the Edit Roads & Ditches
fund, leaving a total of $1,100.00 in that fund for a total transfer
to payroll of $4800.00.
It will cost approximately $200 to update the sewer office computers,
which the board approved. Due to the spring property tax draw,
the sewer office received $6400 in sewer liens. An additional
$9731 in sewer liens has been filed. This brings the total sewer
debt up to $29,158 as of the June meeting.
Board members/town officials attending the June meeting were:
Paul Hughes, Gretchen Moore, Andy Stratton and Cathie Stratton.
The next meeting will be July 14 at the Holton Community Center.
