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March 27, 2012

Milan School Board hears both sides of coach issue at their March meeting

Donyelle Robinson
Contributing Writer

Discussion at the Milan School Board meeting on March 19 was held concerning the direction the girls basketball program was going. Several patrons attended this meeting to express concerns.

Glenda Day and Angela Beck, who both have daughters on the basketball team voiced serious concerns about varsity coach Lisa Bradshaw. They stated "Coach Bradshaw is not providing a positive atmosphere for our children and is showing unethical behavior."

Day also commented "It is not always about wins and losses, but it is about making these kids feel good about themselves, feeling respected, being successful, enjoying what they are doing and currently we do not feel like this is happening at the upper level with Coach Bradshaw." Day presented the board with folders of letters written by parents who wanted to have their comments known.

On the other hand Tonya Marsee read a letter from her daughter who was in support of the coach stating "Coach Bradshaw has never done anything to question her ability as a coach or her loyalty to our program and she treats us as if we were her own children."

The board appreciated the patron comments and Douglas Norman expressed that although personnel matters cannot be discussed at a public meeting, the Board will take all issues presented under advisement.

In other news:

Laura Hicks, the high school art teacher had requested to take the art club to Chicago, Illinois from April 20-22, this request was approved.

A motion was passed to sanction an archery club for the high school and middle school per the request of Mrs. Bogg. She had initiated the club as part of the Ag program and it has been very successful, this was approved as well.

The MHS show choir will be selling tickets for the racing event at Lawrenceburg Speedway on April 21. The choir will be singing at this event and for every ticket sold, the choir receives $5.00. The Milan Elementary PTO will also be selling pizza kits from Little Caesar's from April 5-20 to raise money for the elementary library makeover project.

Dr. Reale had commented that the '53 and '54 banners were removed with no issues and they were folded, sealed, and sent to Indianapolis for storage. The new banners that were furnished by The Poole Group have been hung in the high school gym.

Mrs. Boggs, the high school Ag teacher was selected for the 2012 National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy. She is one of 48 Agriscience teachers chosen nationwide for this honor.

The board approved the resignation of Leah Fullenkamp as the Speech/Language Therapist and also approved the retiring of Mary Sue Koch as the elementary special education teacher.

The request from Brandy Bastin was approved to extend her maternity leave until the end of the 2011-12 school year and Trina Schutte will continue as her substitute during this time.

Brian Moline was approved to be a second boys' track coach, he will carry this responsibility with Jerrid McDonald.

A request was made by Reale to employ Robert Green as an elementary special needs employee; this was retroactive to February 14, 2012. He stated the elementary staff had tried everything possible to alleviate the situation, but ROD felt there was a strong, immediate need to hire someone for a particular student.

Mr. Green's salary will be reimbursed by ROD. A motion was passed to approve employment and it carried a 3-0-1 vote with Randy Kirk not voting.

Board members attending the meeting were Douglas Norman, Gregory Lewis, Edward Amberger and Randy Kirk. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday April 16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.


There were a lot of patrons who turned out for the Milan School Board meeting held Monday, March 19. Usually the meeting is held at the administration building, but when the large crowd arrived, the decision was made to change the meeting to the elementary school, which is close to the administration building.

Seagrams warehouses come down


The large brick buildings that once held whiskey by the barrel are in the process of being torn down. Seagrams warehouses on State Road 350 near Milan are now owned by Diageo, a company that acquired the warehouse facility as part of its acquisition in 2001. The project is on schedule and should be completed by this fall. Once the demolition is complete, Diageo will put the property on the market, returning the site to the community in prime condition with no structures on the site. The company will be leaving it in an ideal state for a new business to take ownership. "This site represents significant opportunity for a business, as it includes working roads and rail service," noted Brooke Lawer, public relation manager for the company. At this time there are no immediate plans for the site, but Diageo is working closely with government leaders to identify teh best way forward.

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